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Corona Info - India

Coronavirus Mobile Dashboard for India - Live Statistics | Weekly Charts | Patient Age
live data
Live Statistics
statewise data
State-wise data
weekly charts
Weekly Charts
patient's age data
Patient's Age data
Frequently Asked Questions

What's the source ?

The data is gathered from the State bulletins and Gov. official handles. They are further validated by a group of volunteers from covid19india.org
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
* MoHFW updates its data at a scheduled time. But CoronaInfo updates its data according to the state press bulletins, Official Gov. handles' posts, PBI news, Press Trust of India & ANI reports, etc. CoronaInfo refreshes its data every minute.
Indian Council of Medical Research
* Patients' age data is gathered from ICMR.

Dark mode for better performance

Release 3.1 -

A whole new UI
Simpler Interactions
Dark mode
Charts Added
Dark mode - Release 3.1

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